The Impact Report
Our Impact Report looks at the amazing benefits of secondhand trade on our platforms.
Find out more about our positive contribution to the world, through OLX and our other well-loved brands.
Welcome to our Impact Report Series
We’re building a more sustainable world through trade. This means getting more out of everything around us, and maximising the usefulness of the world’s limited resources.
We commissioned the OLX Group Impact Report series to help quantify how much environmental impact is potentially prevented by secondhand trade on our platforms, helping keep products in use for a longer time.
Scroll down to view our Impact Reports from 2022 through to 2019.
What’s in the reports?
The series looks at second-hand sales in product categories including electronics, vehicles (cars and motorcycles), car parts, fashion, and books. Validated by third party experts, the report series calculates how much energy, materials, water, and emissions may have been saved through trading these second-hand products on our platforms, compared to the alternative of buying new.
How did we research our reports?
The research for these reports was carried out by Rebel Group in the Netherlands who analysed our marketplace data to estimate the volumes of transactions completed on our platforms across various categories and countries.
Which product categories are included?
The different reports include products such as electronics (smartphones, laptops, televisions, and tablets), cars, car parts, motorcycles, books and fashion. We chose these products because of their high volumes, tangibility (you can touch them) and their relevance to today’s public dialogue about sustainability.
About the OLX Group Impact Reports
We built a model to calculate the prevented environmental impact of second-hand trading on OLX Group’s platforms. The model calculates the substitution effect of purchasing second-hand on our platforms versus that same consumer buying the equivalent item new.
Our platforms enable consumers to trade items – thereby extending those products’ lives, and potentially stopping the purchase of new versions. This is our ‘positive impact’ on the environment. Our reports show the potential savings in four categories: materials, energy, water and emissions. We now have reports for the calendar years 2022, 2021, 2020 and 2019.
For 2022:
Cars: Argentina, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and the U.S. This includes the consumer brands OLX, OLX Autos, AutoTrader, Autovit, Otomoto, letgo, Standvirtual, and webuyanycar.com.
Car parts: Portugal, Ukraine, Romania and Poland.
All other categories: Argentina, Bulgaria, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. This includes the consumer brands OLX and letgo.
For 2021:
Cars: 19 countries (Argentina, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and the US) and 8 consumer brands (OLX, OLX Autos, AutoTrader, Autovit, Otomoto, letgo, Standvirtual and webuyanycar.com in the US).
All other categories: 16 countries (Argentina, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine and Uzbekistan) and 2 consumer brands (OLX and letgo).
For 2020:
Cars: 20 countries (Argentina, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and the US) and 8 consumer brands (OLX, OLX Autos, Avito, Autotrader, Autovit, Otomoto, letgo, Standvirtual and webuyanycar.com in the US).
All other categories: 17 countries (Argentina, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine and Uzbekistan) and 2 consumer brands (OLX, letgo and Avito).
For 2019:
Stage 1 includes 17 countries in total: Bulgaria, Colombia, Egypt, Indonesia, India, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, UAE, USA, and Ukraine, as well as Ecuador, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Pakistan, and Peru
Stage 2 includes 15 countries in total: Argentina, Bulgaria, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and South Africa.
The Ecoinvent database has been used for environmental impacts and we follow the GRI Standards. These GRI Standards have been developed for organisations, to measure their impact on the economy, society, and the environment, where the focus in this report is on the environment.
The impact report has been reviewed by Milieu Centraal, a public information organisation on sustainability based in the Netherlands. The reviewers assessed the quality of our model and its methodology, and considered it to be thorough and transparent, as well as keeping in line with research on the topic. We will continue improving the report, based on Milieu Centraal’s recommendations.
Copyright: OLX Group 21 April 2023. All rights reserved.